Principal's Message
Mrs. Thomas, Principal
I am excited to be starting my 19th year as the Principal of Athol Elementary. It has been an exciting journey to this point and I look forward to another year of learning and growing.
This year marks my 34th year in education! I have taught kindergarten, first grade and second grade in the regular classroom. I also had the privilege of teaching K-5th grade students in a reading specialist/media instructor position. My experience in the classroom led me to a reading instructional coaching position where I worked closely with classroom teachers to implement reading programs.
I am proud to be a Central Washington University graduate earning a Bachelor's Degree in 1989 and later a Master's Degree specializing in reading instruction in 1993. I later finished my administrative credentials at CWU in 2003.
My husband and I have three kids, two son-in-laws and 3 grandbabies! We enjoy hanging out as a family watching sports, playing games, camping, fishing and traveling.
It is my goal to make Athol Elementary a community school that supports student’s academic and social needs. As an instructional leader I will work hard to provide your child with the best educational experience possible.